Does it ever seem like your goals are making you go in circles? Never quite succeeding or satisfying you?
If this is happening to you, it’s easy to feel like it’s all your fault: that you’re having trouble because you suck at whatever it is, or that you’re not satisfied because what you accomplished was somehow flawed.
But the truth is, it’s just what I call False Goals Syndrome. It’s a simple bug in our brains that sets us up for failure and heartbreak, by motivating us to do all the right things for all the wrong reasons. And in the process, it all but guarantees we’ll be demoralized when our results are less than instantly perfect.
Unfortunately, fighting this syndrome head-on simply doesn’t work. No matter how many times you tell yourself that mistakes are okay or that you should just “write a shitty first draft” or not to be so hard on yourself, that demoralizing feeling just doesn’t stop. And no amount of willpower or positive thinking will help you, because the problem isn’t with your actions or decisions.
It’s with your perception. How you see – and judge! – yourself and the world.
And because it’s something that happens instantly, automatically, every time you even think about your goals, no amount of fighting will ever change the way you feel.
That’s why, to beat it, you have to do something different. Hack into your brain, reach inside your mind, and rewire things to work better… The Effortless Way™.